| | Split a milkshake. | | Go to the aquarium. |X| Take a nap. | | Kiss in the rain. |X| Get a matching outfit.
| | Ride a Ferris Wheel. | | Buy matching bracelets. |X| Go on a road trip. |X| Make breakfast.
|X| Write each other letters. | | Go mini golfing. |X| Get in trouble. | | Kiss at midnight. | | Make t-shirts.
| | Bake something. |X| Go to the beach. |X| Make a couple video. | | Go to six flags.
|X| Sing a song really loud. |X| Order Chinese food. | | Build a blanket fort. |X| Stargaze.
|X| Go to the zoo. |X| Pick out each other's outfits. | | Go tanning. | | Have a Harry Potter marathon.
| | Kiss underwater. | | Watch fireworks. |X| Fall asleep on the phone. |X| Get ready together.
| | Go on a classy-ass date. |X| Get ice cream. | | Go to the gym. | | Read a book. | | Take a bubble bath.
| | Go on a run. | | Have a paint war. | | Take a picture of us kissing. |X| Go on a Starbucks date.
|X| Slow dance. |X| Share popcorn at the movies. |X| Get a pedicure. |X| Paint something.
21 out of 44.
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